Many people have told me, “I really CAN’T travel right now.” For whatever reason, due to finances or obligations or something else, there are times in life when we may be stuck in one place, but we still feel the wanderlust deep inside. Hey, don’t be sad! FIND THE BEAUTY IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD., Read More
Sounds awesome and glamorous, right?! Well it is, but you got to put in some work for it and some time and patience. If you are ready to do whatever it takes to see the world so you can experience other cultures, immerse yourself in nature, and be awed by the wonders of the, Read More
First of all, I want to send love and light to Nepal and all who were affected by the tragic earthquake on April 25, 2015. I never thought after visiting Nepal last November that the photos I would share would be images of buildings and places that are now destroyed by the earthquake and, Read More